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Setting up Product Templates

Most manufacturing facilities produce a specific set of products. Each of those products has a predefined list of activities to be done, same technical drawing and a picture of the final product.

Therefore, it makes sense that a production manager copies all the documentation from a template or from the last produced order. In the OFFISEEK platform, production managers can create product templates as well as fill data from historical orders.

Create product from history

New order can be prefilled easily by finding the right template or previous order.

Once selected, production manager will see prefilled items with a green highlight.

Suggestions from AI Copilot

The usual workflow is following: 1) sales representative creates an order. The order requires a name of the product, quantity and a customer name. Since such information is easy to type, the sales representative has to need to create the order from template or historical order.

On the contrary, 2) the production manager needs to prefill the order with manufacturing activities, documentation, etc. Typing such information is tedious. Therefore, the OFFISEEK AI-Copilot tries to suggest such data to the production manager, who can accept or reject the information. The AI-Copilot will learn continuously and get better in the AI suggestions.

On the production dashboard, the suggestions of the AI-Copilot are highlighted with yellow stars.