Every manufacturing company is in a certain way specific, following aspects can differ:
In the OFFISEEK platform you can create customer-specific settings very easily and within minutes.
At first, users can choose to see the default dashboards: Products, Transport a Production.
Moreover, users can add custom production dashboards. The dashboards can be renamed, added or removed.
Additionally, the user can choose whether the custom dashboards should be shown in the default Production dashboard or only separately.
For each production department the following can be specified:
At the same time, it is possible to define custom approvals, which are performed on the product level or on production activity level. Similarly as custom dashboards, approvals can be renamed, added or deleted.
Created approvals can be then added to custom dashboards or to products at specific states. . Example: "Product A in status Inprogress must have approval Material control."
The approvals can then be filled by users on on the product or activity detail.